Saturday, March 15, 2025

Russian agents openly rejoice over success of massive antivax rally in Kyiv

On November 3, 2021, antivaxxers held a mass rally outside the Verkhovna Rada in Kyiv, demanding that the authorities cease “illegal” immunization of the population. No quarantine requirements were observed at the event, which took place on the day the daily toll of COVID-19 deaths hit 720. Of all who succumbed to the coronavirus, 98% were unvaccinated.

It is known that the event against vaccination was supported by NGO Myriany, which had earlier been engaged in rallies against the Ukraine visit of Patriarch Bartholomew I. In its essence, the the non-profit is political wing of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine (the so-called UOC-MP).

It is not the first time that the media reports of the Kremlin and its proxies supporting and inciting most anti-vaccination sentiments in Ukraine. By employing massive resources, including pro-Russian politicians, public figures, bloggers, representatives of the ROCinU, and media outlets, Moscow is trying to worsen the epidemiological situation in our country as much as possible.

Such efforts on the part of Russia pursue clear strategic goals: creating an excessive burden on Ukraine’s health care system, harming the economy, and undermining public health, thus affecting the population, which implies a significant number of fatalities.

Following the event of November 3, 2021, that caused another surge in anti-vaccination sentiment and, through the defiance of quarantine curbs, contributed to the further spread of coronavirus among the Ukrainian citizens, it became clear that the massive efforts by the ROCinU within anti-vaccination campaigns can no longer be ignored by Ukraine’s authorities.

The branch of the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine also seems to have realized this as they deny involvement in the rally in reports posted by propaganda outlets, such as the Pravblog channel on Telegram, where a “reasoned refutation” was released, decrying allegations of the Moscow Patriarchate’s involvement in propaganda against mass vaccination.

But no matter how hard the official and unofficial speakers for the ROCinU try to hide the organization’s involvement in this outspoken anti-Ukrainian activity, some representatives of the Russian “Orthodox” asset network don’t conceal their satisfaction with the success of the anti-vaccination campaign in Kyiv.

In particular, such a position was outlined by the ROC’s agent of influence, the man performing the tasks assigned by Russian intelligence, Kremlin propagandist Alexander Voznesensky (aka Alexander Borislavsky).

He wrote on his own Telegram channel: “Kyiv’s antivaxxers, who blocked the capital today, have threatened to paralyze the country. The cameraman reports 50,000 participants. Maybe not everyone is ready to remain disenfranchised and stupid slaves of globalists.”

With this post, Agent Voznesensky, firstly, confirmed participation of Russian special services in inciting anti-vaccination sentiment in Ukraine, and secondly, outlined the Kremlin’s further intentions to support, finance, and conduct similar events throughout Ukraine.

It is noteworthy that Voznesensky-Borislavsky posts propaganda-ridden reports related to antivax campaigns in other countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as nonsensical claims within various conspiracy theories.

As for the rally in Kyiv, his “schadenfreude” is simply outrageous. He even significantly manipulated data on the number of participants in the rally, claiming 50,000 of them, while the area outside the Verkhovna Rada is simply unable to host such massive crowds. Although it should be noted that honesty is not a mandatory requirement for propagandists being hired by the aggressor power, so it’s difficult to blame Agent Voznesensky in this regard.

Along with all that’s been mentioned, a positive point is the undisguised audacity of Russia’s agents of influence and propagandists who cooperate with the Kremlin’s secret services. It is thanks to their openness and arrogance that the Ukrainian public is better aware of the true source of antivax agenda, as well as other threats to Ukraine’s national security, and is able to learn to more effectively counter Russia’s hybrid aggression.

