About Spiritual Front

Spiritual Front of Ukraine is an information and analytical platform covering religious, social, and security issues.
The Spiritual Front’s team has been formed through public initiative. It is a community of religion experts, journalists and publicists, set up in 2018 as a result of fruitful teamwork and joint participation in the creation of the local autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine.
The audience of the Spiritual Front consists of progressiv-minded citizens of Ukraine and those of Ukraine’s allies, who are not indifferent to the fate of Ukrainian Orthodoxy, as well as conscious nationals of the aggressor power who seek truthful reports about the ongoing developments in our country. Since the launch of or platform, we have been observing a steady growth of our audience in Ukraine and beyond, at over 1.5 million per month.
In our editorial work, we use both open and private sources to verify facts, ensure their objective analysis, and deliver them to our audience in a clear, user-friendly format.
Spiritual Front operates in full compliance with Ukrainian legislation and international law, urging everyone to follow suit.
Any religious intolerance, incitement to enmity and violence stand against the principles of Spiritual Front.
At the same time, protection of Ukrainian Orthodoxy in the media domain, upholding the values ​​of the Ukrainian state, and promoting the country’s European integration are among priorities of our information and analytical platform.
The infowar, as well as other manifestations of aggression waged against Ukraine and the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, sees an adequate and resolute response from Spiritual Front.
We are open to cooperation with everyone who shares our values ​​and priorities.