Wednesday, June 26, 2024

    UOC-MP Metropolitan, accused of collaborating with occupiers, complains about legislative initiatives

    UOC-MP Metropolitan Luka (Kovalenko) of Zaporizhia, who was earlier accused of collaborating with the occupiers, complained to the Security Service of Ukraine about Ukrainian lawmakers who are seeking to ban the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine.

    Kovalenko addressed the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Ivan Bakanov, in an open letter.

    It is worth noting that volunteer Roman Sinitsyn recently accused Metropolitan of the UOC-MP Luka of collaborating with the occupiers, and it was Kovalenko’s statements about Ukrainians who allegedly caused problems for the humanitarian convoy that helped Russian propaganda justify shelling of civilians in Ukraine. However, in a letter to the SBU, Luka declares the “patriotic position” of the UOC-MP, although he himself works for Russian propagandists.

    Further in the letter, Metropolitan Luka says he is outraged by Bills 7204 and 7213, which aim to deprive the UOC-MP of Russian influence. That is, the Metropolitan of the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine writes a letter to the SBU asking the agency to deal with MPs working to deprive Russia of its influence on Ukrainian Orthodoxy, including Moscow’s influence on the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate. Even more so paradoxically, Luka calls the ban of the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine “a treacherous blow to the back of those who defend the integrity of our country.”

    “I think the authors of these bills were well aware of the goals they set before themselves. That is why I am asking the SBU to provide a legal assessment of these MPs’ actions,” Kovalenko said in his letter to Bakanov.

    What’s next? Will Luka write a letter to the Security Service of Ukraine asking them to deal with the army that has been killing the occupiers, and with the members of the National Security and Defense Council who banned the pro-Russian parties in Ukraine?

    It should be added that in Ukraine, law enforcers have already recorded already several cases where the Moscow priests worked in the interests of Russian intelligence. In particular, a pro-Russian “monk” involved in the activities of the subversive groups was detained in Kyiv. The SBU also nabbed an ROC priest who had been awaiting the occupation of Kyiv, handing over to the occupiers information on the movement of the Ukrainian Army units. The OCU wonders how can priests, who are praying to God and seeing what misery Russia has brought to Ukraine, still serve the country of murderers. However, the head of the UOC-MP, Onufriy, continues to mention Moscow Patriarch Cyril (Gundyaev) as his Primate.

