Saturday, September 21, 2024

    Receiving IDPs, using church basements as shelters: Lviv authorities discuss with Churches Russian invasion contingency plans

    Municipal authorities in Lviv are cooperating with the city’s religious community to coordinate action in the event of Russian aggression against Ukraine. On Monday, February 14, Mayor Andriy Sadovyi met with the Lviv Council of Bishops, the press service of the Lviv City Council reports.

    During the meeting, the parties discussed issues of practical cooperation with churches at the city level on the following issues:

    • The ability of the Churches to receive and care for internally displaced persons, including on church premises;
    • Possibility of using church basements as shelters; and
    • Conducting first aid training for the clergy.

    “We need to be prepared for any developments. Lviv must remain a safe city, which requires full assistance on the part of the Church: both through prayer and resources,” said Mayor Andriy Sadovyi.

    Bishops have accepted with understanding the initiative put forward by municipal authorities.

    “Given the current developments, we must be united in our thoughts and reflections to stop the spirit of war in its tracks. We have to fight for the society of freedom on different fronts,” said OCU Metropolitan Dimitry (Rudiuk) of Lviv and Sokal.

    The bishops said they were ready to receive people in temples and shelters if necessary. They also noted the importance of hope and peace in the community and the inadmissibility of spreading panic.

    “Constant prayer is our effective weapon. We need to be with our parishioners constantly so that they know where to find a priest when mobile networks are down. Together, in unity, with God’s help, we will be able to survive this difficult time,” added Volodymyr (Hrutsa), Auxiliary Bishop of the UGCC’s Lviv Archdiocese.

