Thursday, June 27, 2024

    Ukraine’s 20 days in Mariupol documentary shown in The Vatican

    In the Vatican, on May 29, an exclusive airing of Mstislav Chernov’s “20 days in Mariupol” documentary took place for a diplomatic corps accredited at the Holy See.

    This was reported by Vatican News.

    The event held in the Synod Hall was organized by the Embassies of the United Kingdom and Ukraine.

    The audience – including the heads and staff of various departments of the Roman Curia – was addressed by UK Ambassador Christopher Trott. Then the Ambassador of Ukraine to the See, Andriy Yurash, thanked the international community for support and passed the word to the RCC bishop of Kharkiv-Zaporizhzhia, Pavlo Honcharuk, who presented the documentary that received the most prestigious awards, including the Oscar.

    It tells about the first three weeks of a Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The film is based on the experience of war correspondent Mstislav Chernov, who recorded the beginning of the war and the first days of the siege of Mariupol. According to the author, who spoke to the audience after the show, the film tells of only part of the horror that Ukrainians have gone through. It still continues, especially in his hometown of Kharkiv.

    The audience left the hall in silence. The event offered yet another opportunity to remind the international community what suffering the war brings primarily to the civilian population, with its first victims being children and the elderly.

    As reported earlier, a high-ranking bishop from the United States at worship showed that the UOC (MP) is part of the Moscow Patriarchate.

