Tuesday, June 25, 2024

    Ecumenical Patriarch: We pray for peace in war-torn Middle East and long-suffering Ukraine

    Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew called for peace and exchange of prisoners of war between Russia and Ukraine during the Easter service in Constantinople. He led the Sunday Divine Liturgy in the co-service of other hierarchs of the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

    In his sermon, Patriarch Bartholomew emphasized the importance of peace based on justice, reconciliation and solidarity, especially for the war-torn regions of the Middle East and long-suffering Ukraine.

    The head of the Church of Constantinople expressed his support for the “All for All” initiative regarding the exchange of prisoners of war between Russia and Ukraine on the occasion of Easter. He called it “a very concrete manifestation of the power of the Resurrection.”

    Patriarch Bartholomew emphasized that the Resurrection of Christ symbolizes the victory of life and love over death, opening the way to spiritual rebirth and freedom for all mankind.

    The service was attended by diplomatic representatives, including the Consul of Ukraine in Istanbul, Maksym Vdovichenko.

