Thursday, March 27, 2025

Bulgarian Church leader condemns “devastating war against fraternal Ukraine”

“The devastating war against fraternal Ukraine, which was followed by an equally terrifying military clash in the lands consecrated by the divine-human presence of the Savior, once again reminded all of us of the importance of the army for every people and country,” said the patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

His appeal was published on the website of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

This year, on the day of the Epiphany, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church performed the rite of consecration of water and sprinkled the soldiers and battle flags of the Bulgarian army.

“A glorious army that trusts in God’s power and gracious help and protection. An army that has always been a reliable guarantor of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our dear homeland Bulgaria,” the patriarch noted.

He added that “the Bulgarian army remains faithful to its mission and its high vocation, with attention and a sense of responsibility to the new realities and challenges, invariably with trust in God, without whom nothing would be possible for men.”

Also, Patriarch Neophyte assured that the Lord God and the Holy Church bless only that army that does not show aggression, and whose sole purpose is to protect and defend its people and country within its internationally recognized territorial borders.

“Such is our Bulgarian army, so today our prayers to the Almighty God are for our glorious host and for its high spirit, so that it, with God’s help, can successfully fulfill its sacrificial and patriotic mission,” he concluded.

Earlier, OCU Primate Epifaniy said the church is shifting away from Moscow Patriarchate’s “slave” tradition of kissing hands.

