Sunday, March 16, 2025

Foreign diplomats briefed on Russia exploiting religion to promote propaganda in Ukraine

On July 27, a meeting with foreign diplomats accredited in Ukraine was held in the Metropolitan building at St. Sophia at the invitation of the Head of the State Service for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience, Viktor Yelenskyi.

According to the agency’s press service, its chief introduced the guests to the features of the model of state-church relations and cooperation between denominations, as well as the development of the religious situation in the country. Particular attention was paid to the participation of Churches and religious organizations in the efforts to defend the country. In particular, the parties discussed the implementation of numerous humanitarian projects and the protection of Ukraine’s interests in the international arena.

Viktor Yelenskyi dwelled in detail on the campaign to plant foci of anti-Ukrainianism and promote pro-Russian narratives in society under the guise of faith. In particular, it’s about planting ideas of Russian chauvinism, hatred of Ukraine and the West. According to the official, the campaign was carefully developed and well financed by the Russian Federation. He also outlined the role played by religious institutions in undermining Ukrainian statehood and defense capabilities and the spread of capitulation sentiments with the outset of Russian aggression in 2014.

At the same time, the head of the agency noted that the large-scale invasion forced the vast majority of people with pro-Russian views to radically change their stance. Thus, he emphasized the unity of society, the state, and church circles in an effort to prevent the abuse of religion in the interests of the aggressor state.

In the end, Yelenskyi answered questions put forward by the diplomats.

Recently , Viktor Yelenskyi met with Metropolitan Onufriy.

