Monday, June 17, 2024

    Parishioners ask Metropolitan Epifaniy to address heads of other Churches regarding Cyril’s atrocities

    Archpriest Pavlo Klitsuk and the community of the Holy Nativity of the Virgin Church with the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in the village of Merva, Lutsk district, Volyn region, has asked the head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and all Ukraine, to turn to heads of local Orthodox churches regarding the lies and destructive actions being pursued by the Russian church and its leader Patriarch Cyril.

    “We cannot contain in our church consciousness the fact that someone who refers to himself as church leader blesses people for a war of aggression. We cannot understand how hundreds of clerics of this organization, inspired by their leader, forget the words of our Lord Jesus Christ: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matthew 5: 9). Looking at the clumsy statements of Russian church leaders, we are more and more inclined to believe that the ROC is acquiring features of a totalitarian (or reactionary) sect,” the statement reads.

    “We ask you, our Primate, in accordance with the Statute of our Church, to report on the issues raised in this appeal of other Primates, to clearly and directly condemn the aggressive war, bloodshed, and violence, and to provide due assessment of those who inspire and bless this,” said the parishioners, led by their priest.

    The parishioners added that they were among the first to leave the Moscow Patriarchate in January 2019.

    It should be recalled that Metropolitan Epifaniy held a memorial service for the Ukrainians executed and tortured in Bucha. Also, in Kyiv, OCU priests consecrated an icon dedicated to Ukrainian soldiers – defenders of the capital.

