Monday, June 17, 2024

    OCU Primate prays for Ukrainian defenders

    In Archangel Michael’s Church, located at the Separate Presidential Regiment’s base, Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine prayed for the Ukrainian soldiers, defenders of the Motherland, and consecrated the first bell, soon to be installed on the temple.

    His Beatitude was assisted by church rector Andriy Hul and the local clergy, the OCU press service reports.

    Commander of Ukraine Army’s Land Forces Colonel-General Oleksandr Syrsky and many Ukrainian soldiers prayed during the service.

    Metropolitan Epifaniy then addressed the audience and decorated the defenders with church awards.

    “Dear Ukrainian soldiers, today we performed a prayer of thanksgiving together. After all, we must first thank the Lord for our good deeds, and then ask for His help, even in difficult times of trial. We are in a state of war and external aggression, so we constantly pray to God to protect our servicemen who daily stand guard over the integrity and independence of the Ukrainian state,” the Primate said.

    In addition, His Beatitude emphasized the need to nurture and show the highest virtue, love, as it is the foundation of the Savior’s teaching.

    “The Lord calls all of us to love, which we must show to our people and homeland. Therefore, we will fully protect our Lord-given land and our loved ones. Those who seek to enslave us in order to restore their own aggressive hegemony and superpower will never succeed because God only sides with those who stand for truth,” His Beatitude concluded.

