Friday, July 26, 2024

    They are enemy’s allies whom murderer Putin used to undermine long-suffering Ukraine – Archimandrite Romanos on ROCinU event in Kyiv

    Archimandrite Romanos Anastasiadis of the Ecumenical Patriarchate commented on the recent procession in Kyiv organized by the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine, calling it a political event that has nothing to do with Jesus Christ and faith in God.

    The “faithful” of the Russian sect of Adulterer Onufriy’s traitors and his associates – that is, supporters of pro-Russian parties and organizations who are paid and transported by bus from all over Ukraine and from abroad, allegedly came to honor St. Volodymyr of Kyiv and the Baptism of Rus’-Ukraine. In fact, the Kremlin leaders have gone for a political event that has nothing to do with Christ and His Church. Carrying posters… protesting against Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, prepared by their organizers and instigators, “Archimandrite Romanos wrote on Facebook.

    He stressed that during the procession no one saw any posters protesting Russian aggression in eastern Ukraine, the illegal occupation of Ukrainian Crimea, about the Ukrainian patriots who are being killed on the front lines of their Homeland defense by Putin’s mercenaries.

    “Onufriy and the leading group of the Russian sect in Ukraine will inevitably be held accountable before the Righteous God for all the problems they have caused and continue to cause in His Church in Ukraine. However, at some point they will have to hold responsibility before the Ukrainian people for the ultimate treason against Ukraine. These are traitors (allies of the enemy – ed.) whom murderer Putin used to undermine long-suffering Ukraine from within. They are fatal atheists who put on sacred clothing and priesthood on their faces. May God and the faithful People of God in Ukraine judge them in duly manner! Amen!” he summed up.

