Sunday, March 16, 2025

Orthodox terrorism: Myriany NGO and ROCinU implementing bacteriological and social destabilization of Ukraine

To date, there is a plethora of media material from open sources confirming that the so-called Myriany NGO, operating under the patronage of the ROCinU, was founded to pursue a series of provocations in Ukraine on the eve of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew’s visit to Kyiv, up to full-scale destabilization in the country.

Almost everything is already known about the Myriany NGO – their leaders, supervisors, sponsors, media supporters and political handlers. And all this information proves a hybrid, not natural, origin of the group involving Russia’s special services. But it remains unknown what exactly will be the scenarios the group might implement. Or, perhaps, they could be clear already…

Just a month ago, when the Myriany only came into my spotlight, I explained the steps that the organization could take as part of its destructive activity. As confirmation of my reasoning was that virtually the entire pool of ROCinU clergymen allowed to publically comment on their activities claimed that the “Montenegrin scenario” was allegedly unfolding in Ukraine.

Well, we can already see one of the elements of such destabilization developing.

Thus, on July 16, the so-called Myriany NGO appealed to Kyiv Mayor Volodymyr Klitschko to provide medical support, drinking water points and portapotties along the route on July 27 during their march in honor of the Baptism of Rus anniversary. But most importantly, they appeal to ensure the security at the event!

Well, I think the appeal should be considered in more detail, but first of all, it’s worth recalling that two weeks earlier I described in detail how pro-Russian forces in Ukraine intend to turn Rus Baptism Day into a large-scale propaganda nonsense, which fits perfectly both into the general concept of destabilizing Ukraine and plays up to Vladimir Putin’s article about “one nation,” filled with false claims.

As for the demands voiced by the Myriany, I’d like to note that this organization, being a brainchild of the ROCinU, in its essence, demonstrates exactly the same inhuman treatment of parishioners that the religious structure that conceived it has been showing for years.

I would be happy once again not to remind anyone that such a mass gathering with no basic health safety rules applied could lead to a huge outbreak of coronavirus in Ukraine, but I just can’t but mention this, again.

The Myriany marches are a pandemic bomb that could explode about two weeks after the rally and culminate in the week of the visit of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to Kyiv on the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence.

Perhaps this is what the ROCinU is counting on, seeing the catastrophic daily increase in new COVID-19 cases in Ukraine, that Ecumenical Patriarch could prudently cancel the visit. They expect to disrupt the trip, while risking tens of thousands of lives, both of their parishioners and ordinary Ukrainians, who do not participate in such events, but who may be infected by virus carriers who would have received it “as a reward” for their participation in rallies.

The second point is that there is now abnormal heat wave in Ukraine. Despite these weather conditions, the ROCinU clerics tell their Myriany flock to walk along motorways under the scorching sun, for many kilometers. How soon do you think we will see in the reports of the Ministry of Emergencies and general news that someone fainted or even died during such an event? That’s especially considering the fact that the vast majority of those taking part in such “marches” are of a senior age.

And, of course, the third and perhaps most important point, is the appeal for security at the rallies.

Let me remind you that in Ukraine, the UOC-MP, and now the ROCinU, has repeatedly organized similar multi-kilometer marches on various occasions. Remarkably, at such rallies, in the crowd of humble parishioners, there were always a sufficient number of tough guys providing security. In the entire history of such “marches” there have never been any mugging incidents or assaults targeting participants.

But for some reason, now they need official protection! Have those buff guys gone anywhere? No, they are still in the crowd, and we can clearly see that. Onufriy’s so-called “combat parishioners”… Also, did they ever have problems with the police patrols at such rallies before, especially when they would block entire highways with their tortoise-pace events? No, the police were always nice to these blessed boys. So why such an emphasis on security and safety now?

Returning to the beginning of this piece, I should remind you of the “Montenegrin scenario,” which was so popular with the ROCinU leadership, which, incidentally, was directly involved in its implementation. According to that scenario, an attack on ROCinU believers should become an integral part of destabilization in Ukraine. But where would anyone find these attacks if no one’s attacking? Of course, this could be done by organizing such attacks on their own.

And this is precisely the danger of these rallies that emerged in several cities across Ukraine. After all, one day a provocation may be launched where, say, some explosive device filled with bolts could be set off in a crowd walking peacefully along the highway. This could also be some youngsters sporting balaclavas, shouting something like “Glory to Ukraine!” and “Glory to the Nation!” and assaulting some harmless senior citizen from the crowd. It’s not difficult to imagine the headlines in the media that are notorious for manipulating the facts, not only pro-Russian ones, including those controlled by the ROCinU and OPZZh political force, but also those targeting foreign audiences.

Some migth say that the ROCinU won’t go against its own parishioners so brutally. I say that the ROCinU has been violating anti-epidemic norms for several years already, deliberately infecting parishioners with the coronavirus.

I say that for the ROCinU, lives of their parishioners aren’t worth a penny. I say that the Myriany NGO are not just a religious organization – they are a club of voluntary suicide fanatics, whom their pastors may soon set to slaughter to create the most destructive atmosphere, which would contribute to the overall destabilization in the country – both bacteriological and social.

What can the ROCinU’s actions be deemed as other than the elements of a terrorist act? What can the the Myriany leadership be seen as other than an oblivious accomplices of an act of terrorism, with certain awareness of the consequences and inevitable casualties among parishioners?

No matter how obvious these facts look, the Myriany NGO, as well as the ROCinU, pursue their destructive plot, resolutely approaching the “D Day,” almost with no hindrance.

Oleksandr Kovalenko is a Ukrainian expert

