Thursday, June 6, 2024


    Cardinal Parolin to represent the Vatican at Global Peace Summit in Switzerland

    Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin will take part in the Global Summit on Peace in Ukraine scheduled to be held in Switzerland...

    Ecumenical Patriarch warns that Church loses its essence once it turns into secular body, as is happening in Russia

    On May 21, 2024, the day of commemoration of Saints Constantine and Helena, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew led the Divine Liturgy in Constantinople. In his sermon,...

    Exarch of Ecumenical Patriarch in Ukraine serves Divine Liturgy in Antalya

    As part of a working visit to the Ecumenical Patriarchate, at the invitation of Metropolitan Iov of Pisidia and with the blessing of Ecumenical...

    Moscow Patriarch Kirill demands “protection” for UOC (MP)

    The Patriarch of Moscow and Kirill addressed heads of the Local Orthodox Churches, as well as representatives of international organizations, expressing his outrage over...

    Serbian Church’s branch in U.S. complains about “persecution of Orthodoxy” in Ukraine, justifies Russian war

    Following the diocesan meetings of the Novograchanic and Midwestern American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church held on April 12, an address was prepared,...