Tuesday, April 30, 2024

    When we have no guile, Orthodoxy triumphs in our lives – Exarch of Ecumenical Patriarch Bishop Michael

    On March 13, 2022, the Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarch, Bishop Michael (Anishchenko) of Koman, celebrated the Divine Liturgy in St. Andrew’s Church.

    This was reported by the Stauropegia Mission of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Ukraine

    In a sermon, Bishop Michael said that Orthodoxy should be celebrated every day. And it does happen today as we’re helping each other in trouble, helping the elderly, children, and the weak, all those who are hiding from war or protecting our Ukraine from invaders.

    “Looking deeper, more spiritually, we will understand that the celebration of Orthodoxy is not just a celebration, an event, although it was connected to some extent to historical events. What the triumph of Orthodoxy is and how it should be celebrated, the Holy Gospel gives us the answer today, in the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, in which he addressed Nathanael, saying, “This is the true Israelite in whom there is no guile,” said the exarch.

    The bishop paid special attention to the words from the Gospel: “There is no guile.”

    “So when we have no guile, this is one of the indicators that Orthodoxy triumphs in our lives, in our hearts. In general, when we make an effort to live by God’s commandments, sincerely and without guile, then there’s a triumph of Orthodoxy,” said Bishop Michael.

    “So today we can say that, despite what our country is experiencing, there’s a triumph of Orthodoxy. After all, what are we seeing? We’re seeing people in trenches defending their state, laying down their lives for their people. We’re seeing people who, risking their own lives, are helping children, the elderly, and the infirm save themselves and flee the war zone. We’re seeing the best manifestation of people’s unity as they are helping each other, when people let others into their wealthy homes, only to support those who have lost everything, who even have no shelter, especially in such a cold period. And it is precisely when we respond to the pain of our neighbor, when we are attentive to them, when we make efforts to alleviate this pain, that we fulfill the commandment of God, sincerely fulfill it, and Orthodoxy thus triumphs in us,” the exarch concluded.

