Saturday, September 7, 2024

    OCU Primate meets with military intel chief Kyrylo Budanov

    On February 8, the head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Epifaniy, received at his residence the Chief of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Brigadier General Kyrylo Budanov. The meeting was also attended by Archpriest Kostiantyn Kholodov, Deputy Head of the Synodal Department of Military Clergy for International and Interfaith Cooperation.

    This was reported by the OCU press service.

    Kyrylo Budanov congratulated His Beatitude Metropolitan Epifaniy on his recent birthday and the third anniversary of his enthronement. Also during the meeting, the parties discussed the current situation in the context of the ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine. In this regard, Metropolitan Epifaniy noted that the real OCU will always be with its people and stand for a just peace.

    “I have repeatedly stressed that we are always ready to lend a hand to the Ukrainian state, because it is our direct duty. We believe in our victory, because the truth is objectively on our side. The support of the whole world proves it. We will continue to do everything in our power to take care of our soldiers – the defenders of our Motherland,” said His Beatitude.

    It should be recalled that Metropolitan Epifaniy recently met with the leadership of the Ukrainian Bible Society. The head of the OCU also discussed the security situation with the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.

