Saturday, March 29, 2025

Nash TV may be stripped of broadcasting license for inciting hatred toward OCU

The District Administrative Court of Kyiv has registered a lawsuit filed by the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting with a motion to revoke a broadcasting license for the pro-Russian TV channel, NASH 365.

The court is yet to decide on launching the relevant proceeding into the claim.

Earlier, as a result of a snap inspection, the National Council found signs of incitement to national, racial, and religious hatred in statements circulated on the air of Nash 365 LLC, the Council’s press service reports.

It is based on this information that the Council asks the court to revoke the TV channel’s license.

The National Council inspected the channel on May 4, 2021, when Petro Symonenko, a pro-Russian politician with Communist roots, allowed himself a series of statements targeting the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, which contained signs of incitement to religious hatred.

The ex-communist, in particular, insisted that the OCU is “sowing a split in Ukraine.”

The pro-Russian TV channel did not react to the warning issued by the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting and repeated the relevant broadcast several times.

It should be recalled that the NASH TV channel regularly invites to its shows guests known for their pro-Russian stance, regularly voicing narratives of anti-Ukrainian propaganda.

