Russia is running a massive disinformation campaign in the United States, spreading false claims about “religious persecution” in Ukraine, says Oleksandra Ustinova, head of the Voice parliamentary faction.
In an interview with Glavcom, the lawmaker expressed hope for the adoption of the draft law regarding the Church in the coming months.
“Actually, I wish to believe that the draft law on Moscow priests will be voted on because it is a public demand. Now the key is to communicate it correctly to our international partners. Because I know how Russia is working very powerfully now, especially in the United States, claiming that we do religious persecution,” Ustinova said.
She also noted that Ukrainian priests have already visited Washington several times, trying to explain that there is no persecution in Ukraine. Ustinova emphasized the uniqueness of Ukraine as a multi-religious country where different faiths co-exist peacefully, and bringing this fact to the international arena is an important task.
The reason behind the disinformation campaign is that Americans, reading the bill, perceive it as anti-religion, although it actually anti-Russian FSB. Ustinova spoke about constant requests from U.S. Senate to explain the bill, as it can be exploited for political purposes.
Oleksandra Ustinova emphasized that the draft law concerning the Church must be passed, but at the same time it is necessary to explain on the international stage that the document is not about the Church at all.