Saturday, June 29, 2024

    OCU strongly protests ROC plans to set up “Skadovsk Diocese” in occupied area, while UOC (MP) remains silent

    The OCU has expressed a strong protest against the decision of the Russian Orthodox Church Synod to form the so-called “Skadovsk Diocese” in the occupied territory of Kherson region.

    The official statement was released by the OCU’s Kherson Diocese.

    The territory of Ukraine is not a canonical part of the Russian Orthodox Church so any decisions regarding Ukrainian lands are illegitimate.

    The capture of the eastern bank of the Dnipro in Kherson region by Russian invasion troops does not mean that this territory is part of Russia.

    The OCU demands the “UOC in unity with the Moscow Patriarchate” officially express its position regarding the formation of the so-called “Skadovsk Diocese”. It calls on Metropolitan Ioann to comment on the statements of his clerics about their belonging to the Russian Orthodox Church.

    The silence of the UOC (MP) bishops is seen as an agreement with the actions of the aggressor and a confirmation of their subordination to the Moscow HQ. The OCU demands that the “UOC (MP)” express its position in order to counter the spiritual aggression by Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church against Ukraine in a joint effort.

    As reported earlier, the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church decided to establish the Skadovsk Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church on the occupied territory of Ukraine.

