Sunday, June 16, 2024

    “Our Ecumenical Patriarchate is not in danger, because God was, is and will be its protector” – Bartholomew

    On Saturday, 11 November 2023, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, performed the blessing and opening of the renovated Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos, Balinos, and its Sacred Spring, which is dedicated to the Holy Great Martyr Minas celebrated on that day, and then following this, the Ecumenical Patriarch officiated at the Divine Liturgy, according to Orthodox Times.

    Present also in prayer were Elder Metropolitan Apostolos of Derkoi, Metropolitan Theoliptos of Iconium, Metropolitan Job of Pisidia and Metropolitan Joachim of Bursa, as well as Archons of the Great Church of Christ, leaders of the Greek Community of Constantinople, as well as believers from Constantinople and pilgrims from abroad.

    In the Ecumenical Patriarch’s address after the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, he emphasized the importance of construction, sound preservation, and handing down to the coming generations of the holy Churches and the holy institutions.

    “This laudable initiative is considered as a decision of persistence in the homeland, remaining here in order to continue the life of the Balinos Community, within the embrace of the whole omogenia of Constantinople, which will also continue its life and history under the wings of the Great and Holy Mother Church of Christ.

    Dear children in the Lord, reject and resist the occasional rumors heard from various directions, out of recklessness or, at best, connected with various expedients, about imminent and impending dangers for the continuation of our presence here. Our Ecumenical Patriarchate is not in danger from anything and anyone, because God has always been and is today and will continue to be its protector until the end of the ages of ages! Have confidence in your Mother Church and her discernment, and follow her commands in everything!” said Bartholomew.

    The Patriarch emphasized: “The Holy Great Church of Christ has always been a protector of progress, of illumination, both in good times and in bad times. And yet, there were and are still people “moving their heel against the benefactor”, who accuse the Church of being medieval and obscurantist. But our Church is neither one nor the other. The Phanar, the center of Orthodoxy, is full of light – the never-fading light of the Resurrection, the gladsome light of Him Who dispelled all darkness and said with divine self-knowledge: “I am the light of the world; he who follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life.”

