Friday, September 20, 2024

    OCU head spiritually supports wives, mothers of Azovstal defenders

    Metropolitan Epifaniy wished God’s blessing and protection to Ukraine’s defenders, who for the whole world have become the embodiment of extraordinary resilience and courage, unshakable strength of spirit and hope – the newest heroes.

    This is stated in the message issued by the OCU Primate on social media.

    “Today I had the opportunity to spiritually support the wives and mothers of Azovstal defenders, the reliable rear of our soldiers who believe and pray for the speedy return from Russian captivity of their loved ones who survived real hell on earth. Families of Mariupol defenders spoke with tears in their eyes about the suffering of their relatives, who had been fired upon from all kinds of weapons, including proscribed ones. And now they fear that their captivity in Russia would be another hell of torture and abuse that the occupiers allow themselves to commit. There is no doubt that the warriors from Azovstal are our newest heroes,” the Primate said.

    Metropolitan Epifaniy is convinced that they will return home. He also asks the Lord to help to this end.

    “We have not started this war, but we will definitely win it – by strength of spirit, unity, cohesion, mutual assistance, and mercy. We will continue to pray that the All-Merciful Lord will help us overcome this invasion of the devil’s evil in our native land, in our free and freedom-loving country. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to her heroes!” said the OCU head.

