Monday, June 3, 2024

    Russia demands that Ukraine immediately release former Lavra vicar Pavlo

    Russia has demanded that Ukraine’s authorities immediately release from house arrest the former vicar of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan Pavlo.

    That’s according to a statement by MFA Russia’s e special envoy for the freedom of religion, Gennadiy Askaldovich, Glavcom reports.

    “We are deeply concerned about the fate of Bishop Pavlo, who, as is known, is under house arrest, wearing a leg bracelet. To people of good will, his figure is acquiring the image of a martyr for the Orthodox faith. We demand that Metropolitan Pavlo be immediately released and provided with the appropriate medical assistance,” the statement reads.

    The Russian foreign ministry added that they are concerned about the monks and priests of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra remaining at the Lavra premises despite the expiration of the lease agreement. It is alleged that they are under threat of physical and psychological persecution.

    It should be noted that the so-called UOC (MP) has been persistently proving for the past year that it is not subordinate to the Moscow church. The religious organization, which without reason refers to itself as “Ukrainian,” has been trying to avoid complying with the law on renaming religious institutions. Numerous clergymen with the so-called UOC (MP) have been accused of aiding and abetting the Russian occupiers.

