Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Food, logistical supplies, kindness: UOC of the USA continues to support affected civilians in frontline settlements

    The 376th day of unprovoked and unjustifiable attempt to conquer Ukraine by the Russian Federation’s political regime brings new physical, moral and spiritual challenges to the people of Ukraine and the worldwide global community.

    That’s according to the UOC of the USA press service.

    Since the offset of the military aggression on February 24, 2022 – the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA via the Consistory Offices of Ministry, Central Church Organizations and local parish communities, responded with a resolve to offer immediate spiritual, material and emotional support to the affected and destroyed cities, villages and areas where thousands of people continue to live, while experiencing psychological, material and spiritual devastation.

    The past 13 months of attempted invasion challenged the Charitable institutions of the UOC of the USA to look for new ways of delivering Humanitarian Aid and support to the wounded civilians and military personnel.

    Lately, most of the charitable ministry has been centered around the small towns/villages of Kostyantynivka (which is only 20 miles away from Bahmut), Avdiivka, Sloviansk of Donbas region of Ukraine. Through the daily ministry of Very Rev. Fr. Kostyantyn Kuznetsov and his wife Natalia, pastor of the Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Kostyantynivka, the UOC of the USA is able to reach out to the most remote and severely affected and destroyed towns and villages in the closest proximity to the front line.

    The local Kostyantynivka Society of the People with Limited Eyesight became the most recent recipients of nutritional supplies. Bags of fresh produce, dairy and household supplies were purchased and brought to the center in order to facilitate the needs of people with physical limitations.

    Clothing, winter jackets and boots as well as food supplies regularly obtained and delivered to the men and women of the Ukrainian armed forces that are protecting the city boundaries of Kostyantynivka and suburban villages.

    The residents of the recently liberated city of Sloviansk (which is once again being threatened by the Russian military) – have received substantial assistance with the most necessary hygiene supplies, baby formula, toys, etc.

    Washing machines for the refugees and displaced people in the town of Avdiivka were obtained by monetary donations to the Metropolia of the UOC of the USA.

    His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, recently speaking with the donors of the Spiritual Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, stated: “…once you look at the images of the destroyed towns, villages and most importantly lives of people – you realize how precious human life and freedom are – the notions which the Lord often addresses in His teachings, instructing us to care for the heavenly treasures over the earthly where the thief and enemy can steal and destroy. One must remember, the physical structures that have been destroyed can be rebuilt, but the freedom-loving right to live cannot and must NEVER be violated by political,  secular and military attempts of invaders and those who harbor evil intentions against humanity in general.”

    You too can help save the lives of innocent Ukrainians who suffer the brutality of war at the hands of the Russian military by donating to the Ukrainian Humanitarian Relief Fund of the UOC of the USA.

