Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Rallying Russians around “holy war” ROC’s main task

    The unification of Russians around the “holy war” is the main task of the Russian Orthodox Church, received directly from the Kremlin, so clerics apply all tools to convey to masses the importance of the “special military operation” and the war against the alleged fascism in Ukraine.

    This is reported by the Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

    The CCD also cited the main narrative promoted by Russian media on March 8. These are the words of the Patriarch of Moscow that the Internet is not a place where a priest signs off on his intellectual abilities. Also, Kirill (Gundyaev) added that it is forbidden to spread any conjectures or personal opinions on social networks. “If he only posts his dreams, fantasies, conjectures on the Internet, then it’s better not to go there,” he said.

    In this way, Kirill reminded that there is only one vertical of power in Russia and that it’s only Kremlin narratives that have to be spread.

    The Russian Orthodox Church actively contributes to the formation in Russia of the image of Western culture as an enemy, which threatens the Orthodox faith. This task is especially relevant in light of Russia’s war against Ukraine and in the Middle East, where the Russian Orthodox Church supports totalitarian regimes and runs active propaganda campaigns in favor of military conflicts.

    It should be recalled that Patriarch Kirill approved the occupation of Ukraine and referred to Ukraine’s Donetsk region as “Russian land, an outpost of the Russian world.” He also warned that the efforts to destroy Russia would lead to the “end of the world.”

