Saturday, July 27, 2024

    “They have nothing to do with the Church” – Danilov on the new sanctions against ROC

    The government applies harsh sanctions to collaborators with the UOC-MP. After all, people who work for a terrorist state have nothing to do with the church.

    Oleksiy Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, spoke on Channel 24. He said that Ukraine will introduce more sanctions against persons who act to the detriment of the state.

    Danilov considers it strange to refer to people who support terrorism, the killing of children and women, and other terrorist things as clerics.

    “They have nothing to do with it (Church, – ed.),” he emphasized.

    “These scum took part in traveling around the world and representing Russia outside its borders,” the NSDC secretary added.

    He considers the Moscow Patriarchate a dangerous institution. Some of the people who are part of it believe in God, but some work exclusively for the FSB – a system that was built in Soviet times. Ukrainians are aware of historical facts, how it all happened, and why, the secretary emphasized.

    “When this institution is called a church, it does not match the tasks that they directly receive,” Danilov noted.

    The Secretary of the National Security Council drew attention to the fact that presidential decrees and decisions of the National Security and Defense Council regarding sanctions on representatives of the UOC-MP are being issued systematically, at least once a week.

    Danilov emphasized that the persons and entities that are participating in shameful actions against the country today will definitely be sanctioned. In addition, the sanctions will have a certain extension.

    “After us, these sanctions will be imposed by European institutions, the United States of America, and other countries that adhere to democratic norms and rules,” Danilov summarized.

    As reported by the Spiritual Front of Ukraine, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree on the implementation of NSDC sanctions on January 24. The validity period is five years. According to these sanctions, the assets and funds of those targeted shall be blocked. They are banned from using state lands and other assets, as well as from withdrawing capital from Ukraine.

