Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Metropolitan Oleksandr: Moscow Patriarchate’s hierarchs inert due to poor competence

    The hierarchy of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate behaves inertly because it is poorly qualified. This can be referred to as the Dunning-Kruger effect.

    The Hierarch of the OCU, Metropolitan Oleksandr (Drabynko) of Pereyaslav and Vyshnve writes about this on his Facebook page.

    “It seems that I have finally found an answer to the question that journalists have been constantly asking lately, and that society is asking itself: Why is the hierarchy so inert today, against the background of war, atrocities, and sacrilege of the invaders, in the matter of separation from Moscow and the formation of a local autocephalous Ukrainian Church and the believers of the Russian Church in Ukraine, whom they’ve zombified, arguing their stubbornness with a mythical ‘canonicity’ (which actually does not exist because it was lost in the fall of 2018, like Esau’s birthright, due to Moscow’s lies).

    One of the main principles of our life is the Dunning-Kruger effect. The effect is as follows: “People who have a low level of qualification draw erroneous conclusions and make faulty decisions, but are unable to realize their mistakes due to their low level of qualification,” the metropolitan wrote on social media.

    The bishop noted that failing to understand own mistakes made leads to conviction in one’s own rightness, and therefore, increased confidence in one’s decisions and in oneself, as well as the idea of one’s superiority.

    Thus, less competent people consider themselves professionals, while more competent people tend to doubt themselves and their abilities. The lower the level of competence, the higher the self-confidence.

    “The church structure of MP is not the only one that suffers from this effect. It is inherent in all institutions. In this post, the emphasis on MP is selective only because questions about illogical behavior during the war were asked specifically about MP,” concluded Metropolitan Oleksandr.

    Earlier, Metropolitan Oleksandr reminded that “UOC MP does not exist and neither does it have a Tomos. He explained that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate is now governed by a charter that lays down its dependence on the Russian Orthodox Church.

