Monday, June 17, 2024

    UOC of USA: We serve the people of Ukraine via our daily prayers and deeds of love

    Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA continues to provide the most necessary logistical and medical support to thousands of refugees, wounded soldiers, and their families.

    According to the press service of the UOC of the USA, even as the city of Mykolaiv is being bombed by the actions of Russian military, the resilience of Ukrainian citizens and volunteers is admirable.

    In major cities, small towns and villages people of good faith and desire to help their neighbor come forward and offer themselves unconditionally, often by risking their lives, while assisting others in need.

    The main focus of the charitable aid of the UOC of the USA is to provide nutritional (food) items to the refugees in Donbas and Southern parts of Ukraine. Medical supplies and clothing, as well as additional automobiles for logistical support are provided by the generous donations of parishioners and clergy of the UOC of the USA.

    Most recently, additional medical ambulances (purchased by the donations of the UOC of the USA) were transferred to the field medical units by His Beatitude Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine.

    While Kharkiv ministry continues to deliver food daily to people in remote areas and destroyed neighborhoods; in Odesa the UOC of the USA supports the need for medical supplies for the wounded soldiers.

    Families of the fallen and severely injured men and women of the Ukrainian Armed Forces receive monetary aid to facilitate the purchase and delivery of the essential medicine and nutritional supplements.

    Mariupol refugees continue to receive assistance via food and medical items through the ministry of the Donetsk Eparchy of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), under the leadership of His Eminence Metropolitan Serhiy.

    The Dean of Donetsk Deanery of the OCU, Fr. Konstantine Kuznetsov oversees the purchase and distribution of the donated items by the UOC of the USA. Moreover, the local community in Konstiantynivka established a Soup Kitchen, where people daily receive freshly prepared meals and supplements.

    Ternopil Eparchy of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (under the leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Nestor) in the process of obtaining several logistical vehicles (sponsored by the UOC of the USA) for the volunteers of the community that provide assistance to those in need in the remote villages of the front line of the ongoing war against Ukraine by Russian Federation.

    Recently, Archbishop Daniel met with the representative of Odessa volunteers – Pani Lydia, who presented Vladyka with a flag of Ukraine, signed by Ukrainian soldiers as a sign of gratitude for the donations and support provided by the Church. His Eminence stated that receiving the flag, his hands trembled as he pictured the faces and hands of those men and women who put their messages of love and gratitude to the faithful and clergy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. It is our sincere prayer for the lives of all who tirelessly work for the liberation of Ukraine…

    The UOC of the USA are truly grateful to all those who have donated and contributed to the Church’s charitable initiative, for by doing so you follow Christ’s teachings of love, mercy, and self-sacrifice.

    As the war wages on, the UOC of the USA has appealed to everyone to consider joining the forces of good by donating generously to the UOC of the USA fund set aside to assist Ukraine.

    “It is thanks to your generosity that the Church is able to provide these crucial supplies and save lives, while it continues to pray and save souls,” the report reads.

