Saturday, March 15, 2025

UOC-MP Council fails to condemn Russian aggression, while calling Ukraine “warring party”

On May 27, the UOC Council of the Moscow Patriarchate made no statement on condemning Russian aggression, simply calling Ukraine a warring party and expressing “hope for an end to the war and reconciliation.”

This was reported by the Spiritual Front of Ukraine with reference to the decision of the UOC-MP Council.

The UOC-MP Council addressed Ukraine and Russia equally, as if Ukraine were also committing an act of aggression against the Russian Federation.

“Summing up the results of our work, the Council (UOC-MP, – ed.) offers a prayer of thanksgiving to the Merciful Lord for the opportunity for fraternal communication and expresses hope for an end to the war and reconciliation of warring parties,” reads the statement issued by the UOC-MP Council.

The UOC-MP also believes that, while defending its territories, Ukraine is “shedding blood.”

“The Council (UOC-MP, – ed.) appeals to the authorities of Ukraine and the authorities of the Russian Federation to continue the negotiation process and search for a strong and reasonable word that could stop the bloodshed,” the statement said.

The UOC-MP Council also approved amendments to the Statute, claiming “full autonomy and independence.”

