Monday, June 17, 2024

    Russia “announces” missile strikes on Lviv, Volyn regions May 8

    On May 8, the Russian Federation “announced” missile strikes targeting crowds in Lviv and Volyn regions of Ukraine, accusing the Ukrainian authorities of the plot.

    That’s according to Russia’s Interdepartmental Coordination Headquarters.

    “On May 8, Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation in the western regions of the country, which is celebrated in Ukraine, the ‘Kyiv regime’ plans to carry out another elaborate provocation involving civilian deaths to further accuse the Russian Armed Forces of indiscriminate missile strikes.”

    The press service notes that Ukraine’s defenders will allegedly launch “Tochka-U” missiles at crowded places in the settlements across Lviv and Volyn regions.

    The occupying power also mentions the tragic incident at the Kramatorsk railway station, when thousands of civilians were waiting for an evacuation train.

    Moreover, the occupiers added that “provocations” were being plotted by the Ukrainian authorities with the approval of their “Western supervisors.”

