Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Ecumenical Patriarch: Russians overthrow the Gospel and the ethos of Christianity in a demonic way

    As Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew honored the memory of Saint Cyril VI of Constantinople, the Thracian, in Adrianople, he spoke of the war ongoing in Ukraine and asked for a sacred peace for the country.

    He stressed that the Orthodox Russians are overthrowing the Gospel and the ethos of Christianity in a demonic way.

    “In our difficult days, in which Orthodox Christians massacre Orthodox Christians in Ukraine, torch cities, plunder houses, and castles, expel and force to expatriation of millions of people, energetically exclude countries and peoples, threaten with nuclear destruction the world, and generally completely overthrow the Gospel and the ethos of Christianity in a demonic way, we appeal to the help of St. Cyril, to stop the devastating war and to give His peace to the long-suffering country and the whole world!” Bartholomew said, according to Orthodox Times.

    The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew presided over the Divine Liturgy on Saturday, April 30, 2022, at the Church of St. George of the Bulgarian-speaking Community of Adrianople. The service was co-officiated by Metropolitan Amphilochios of Adrianople, the Metropolitans Damaskinos of Didymoteicho, Orestiada, and Soufli, Naum of Rousse, from the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, and Kyrillos of Imvros and Tenedos.

    The Metropolitans Elder Emmanuel of Chalcedon and Theoliptos of Iconium, the Consuls of Greece and Bulgaria Aris Radiopoulos and Borislav Dimitrov, the Presidents of the Bulgarian-speaking Communities of Edirne Dimitrios Giotov, and of Constantinople Vassilios Liaze, Archons and faithful from Adrianople, and pilgrims from Imvros, Orestiada, and Vyssa and other areas of neighboring Evros attended the service.

    In his speech, the Ecumenical Patriarch referred to the Saints and the martyrs that Adrianople gave to the Church, with the honorable Cyril VI at the top.

    Speaking about the life and personality of his Holy predecessor, he recalled that in 1803 he was elected Metropolitan of Iconium and in 1810 he became Metropolitan of his hometown, Adrianople, while in 1813, “he was called to serve the Holy Apostolic and Ecumenical Patriarchal Throne of Constantinople, at the age of just 44, as Cyril VI”, carrying out multidimensional work.

    Saint Cyril VI is the patron saint of all Orthodox, Greeks, Bulgarians, Turkish speakers, and others, all of Thrace on both sides of the state border, the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Metropolises of Adrianople, and Iconium, as well as Didymoteicho, Orestiada and Soufli, from the New Countries.

