Sunday, June 16, 2024

    OCU Primate: “I am convinced that gradually we will gain full victory in the East”

    The head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epifaniy, is confident that Ukraine’s Armed Forces will gradually gain a complete victory in eastern Ukraine.

    “In such a difficult time, we can only get help from God as God is really helping us. We could see this even in the first days of this terrible war. Kyiv could have fallen at any moment, but by the grace of God it didn’t as the Lord kept alive the possibility of protection. And as you can see, with God’s help, Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Sumy regions have already been liberated, and I am convinced that in the future, we will gradually achieve a complete victory in the East as well,” the Primate said in an interview with LB.

    “The ideology of the ‘Russian world’ has brought great sorrow to our land. It brought pain and suffering, which we are experiencing now,” said the Metropolitan.

    He added that “we must pass these tests, which fell to our lot and there is no other way out.”

    “We must fight to the end to stop this evil that is now raging on our land so that it does not spread further,” Epifaniy stressed.

    “We must not be frustrated, but be firm in our faith. We must understand that in the world, there is not only a good force, not only God, but also, of course, an evil force, the devil. Evil has no nature as such, it parasitizes on good. And that is why we are now experiencing more than just a visible fighting in Ukraine. The enemy shows devilish qualities, because the devil tries to destroy all living things. And we see that the enemy destroys all living things – people and even animals, that is, they do not have the qualities that people should have, there is no empathy, basic human compassion,” said the head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

    At the same time, among our people, on the contrary, Metropolitan Epifaniy now saw in people a manifestation of deep faith. Because in war it is difficult to remain an atheist.

    “The enemy will withdraw gradually, and we will pass these tests, become even more spiritually strong, more enduring, analyze in the future what we have or haven’t done over the past 30 years. We see that the war has changed the situation in general, and here in eastern Ukraine, those who have so far ‘swayed,’ that is, were supporters of all things Russian, are now changing, and we as a single nation are repelling the enemy,” said Metropolitan Epifaniy.

    It should be recalled that Metropolitan Epifaniy assured that almost half of the monks of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra are ready to join the OCU. He also visited the liberated village of Peremoha, Kyiv region.

