Monday, December 23, 2024

    Patriarchate of Alexandria summons ROC clergy to Ecclesiastical Court over Africa schism

    The Patriarchate of Alexandria has sent summonses to the leaders of the expansionist and aggressive policy of the Moscow Patriarchate – Georgy Maksimov and Andrei Novikov – with a demand to report in person to the Synodal Court in Alexandria on February 24 this year to be tried for religious services held in the areas of spiritual and pastoral jurisdiction of the Second and Presbyterian Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa.

    This was reported by

    According to the summonses published, the Russian clergy are being accused of arbitrary worship in African countries without the canonical permission of the Sovereign Pontiff and Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria and All Africa, as well as of involvement in canonical crimes, such as worship alongside the banned clergy, arbitrariness in creating an alternative hierarchy, as well as a grave scandal against the fullness of Church.

    According to nyxthimeron, the publication of summonses is the first step toward expelling the ROC clergy who have invaded Africa. But these summonses are necessary mainly against the non-prosecuted pseudo-exarch Leonid (Gorbachev), who has already carried out inappropriate, immoral and, above all, uncanonical consecration of antiminses in the spiritual territory of the Alexandrian Church, which is alien to him and the Russian Church.

