Sunday, June 16, 2024

    “Ukrainian Church offers prayers for our defenderі” – Metropolitan Epifaniy greets military on professional holiday

    Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine Epifaniy has issued a greeting address on Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is celebrated annually on December 6.

    “In Ukraine, we have thousands of new heroes who have bravely taken on the responsibility to save and protect, day and night defending our land from the enemy. We congratulate them today, on this Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and express daily our gratitude for their devotion and self-sacrifice. The Ukrainian Church offers prayers for our defenders and provides all possible assistance: spiritual and material,” the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine said.

    He also rejoiced at the fact that the Ukrainian parliament had passed a law on military chaplaincy.

    “Priests of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine are where they are needed, including alongside our Ukrainian soldiers at the front line, risking their own lives. According to the law, the Military Chaplaincy Service will become part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Consequently, those who stood on the defense of our country’s spiritual front and was formerly referred to state defenders more formally, will now be ensured a status legally enshrined at the appropriate level,” said the hierarch.

    “Therefore, today I cordially congratulate all Ukrainian servicemen and our chaplains! On your day, I wish you God’s blessing and protection, and may the Lord help you in your service for the benefit of Ukraine!” the OCU Primate concluded.

