Monday, June 17, 2024

    SBU busts torture chamber supervisor from occupied Donbas

    In Kyiv, counterintelligence operatives have apprehended a militant of the “DPR” terrorist organization, the head of the Izolyatsia, an illegal penitentiary facility in the temporarily occupied territory of Donetsk region.

    The name of the suspect is Denis Kulikovsky, according to the Ukrayinska Pravda online newspaper and the press center of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU).

    The SBU reports that the perpetrator had organized and taken a direct part in the killings and torture of illegally held Ukrainian nationals.

    According to the culprit’s victims, he supervised various acts of torture, including where the inmates were stabbed, strangled, drowned, and raped.

    Snap from TSN video

    Among psychological influence methods Kulikovsky is believed to have practiced was staging executions, including by shooting or burying prisoners alive.

    At the moment, procedural actions are underway in the case of the Russian proxy militant. The court is expected to decide on the measure of restraint to be applied to the detainee, while additional evidence is being obtained about his illegal activities.

    The perpetrator was detained as part of earlier-initiated criminal proceedings and is now being charged with four crimes, including human trafficking, setting up a terrorist organization, creating an armed formation beyond the legal field, and violating the laws and customs of war.

    Photo of Denis Kulikovsky from Stanislav Aseev’s Facebook page

    Izolyatsia is a notorious prison manned by Russian occupation forces in Donetsk region. People who survived the time they were held in the facility refer to Izolyatsia as a torture chamber, concentration camp, and even “hell.”

    It should be recalled that the Spiritual Front of Ukraine earlier reported that for eight years of war in Donbas, Russian proxies had set up over 160 torture chambers.

