Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Taras Shevchenko monument vandalized in Copenhagen ahead of Russia football match

    A monument of a legendary Ukrainian poet and artist Taras Shevchenko was vandalized in Denmark’s capital Copenhagen overnight Monday, June 21, ahead of team Russia’s match against the hosts as part of EURO 2020.

    The sculpture was spray-painted in Russian flag colors, according to Ukraine’s Embassy in Denmark.

    On the monument’s pedestal, the vandals also left the infamous elements of Russian propaganda, the report says.

    “We strongly condemn this act of vandalism and provocation against Ukraine,” diplomats wrote. “This shameful case once again demonstrates to the civilized world that Russian aggression against Ukraine is real.”

    “There is no ‘civil’ war in Ukraine, there are only criminal actions of the Kremlin, which persecute everything sacred to every Ukrainian in every part of the world,” the statement says.

    The embassy has called on the Danish Police “to start an immediate investigation and punish the vandals.”

    “We remind the enemies of Ukraine once again: ‘Crimea is Ukraine,'” the embassy emphasized, adding that the Ukrainian spirit shall not be broken.

