Monday, June 17, 2024

    ROCinU sponsor Vadzm Novynsky may acquire pro-Russian NASH TV channel, earlier fined for inciting religious hatred

    Soon the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine could be able to strengthen its position in the information war it has been waging against Ukrainians. Vadym Novynsky, an oligarch and archdeacon of the Moscow Patriarchate who sponsors the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine, intends to acquire the NASH TV channel – the outlet repeatedly punished for spinning anti-Ukrainian propaganda and inciting religious hatred.

    That’s according to

    Novynsky confirmed the report to journalists with the “Schemes: Corruption in Detail” investigative project, which is probing into the purchase of the said TV channel from a former MP with a pro-Russian force, Yevhen Muraev.

    Whether Novynsky will use the NASH TV channel to broadcast anti-Ukrainian propaganda or cover rallies aimed against the OCU or the Ecumenical Patriarch remains to be seen, but most likely it will be exactly the case.

    “Talks have been ongoing for probably more than a year about being able to somehow participate in the share capital of this TV channel. But so far there have been no results. As soon as something happens, I will let you know. I’ll do it publicly. I will never hide. You know, my ownership structure is all transparent,” Vadym Novynsky said.

    It should be recalled that Nash TV was earlier fined for inciting religious hatred.

    On June 15, MP Vadym Novynsky attended an anti-state rally ROCinU set up outside the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the country’s parliament.

