Tuesday, May 21, 2024

    OCU spokesman on occupiers’ logic: Russia destroying Orthodox churches to “protect Donbas” from “Nazi gays”

    A spokesman for the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Archbishop Yevstratiy (Zorya) of Chernihiv, commented on the ROC leader’s efforts to justify the war in Ukraine.

    “According to Putin’s statements and Gundyaev’s sermons, Russian troops are now shelling temples of Russian ecclesiastical jurisdiction (some of which survived the Bolsheviks and Nazis’ occupation but did not survive the Russian horde) in order to “protect Donbas” from Nazi gays. Why not goblins or aliens? The logic would be the same — the one of liars and schizophrenics,” wrote Yevstratiy (Zorya), a spokesman for the OCU, on his Facebook page.

    He also published four photos of damaged temples affected by shelling by the Russian invaders.

    Храми Московського патріархату (зруйнований) та Російської закордонної церкви (пошкоджений) в м. Малин Житомирської обл.
    Георгіївський храм с. Заворичі на Київщині (1873 р.)
    Вознесенський храм с. Бобрик на Київщині.
    Храм Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці в селі В’язівка на Житомирщині.

