Wednesday, June 26, 2024

    A truly happy person lives with God – Metropolitan Epifaniy

    The Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine, spoke of what happiness is and how truly happy people live. He also gave advice on how to find this Source of happiness in your heart and what to do to this end.

    “Happiness is what everyone seeks. It is often what people wish others in their greetings and what people seek throughout their lives. This is what the most popular psychological training sessions, master classes, various books, movies, and songs are dedicated to. In its pursuit, people often try, in particular on social media, to create a nice image of a happy person. Unfortunately, for the most part, they only try… That’s because true happiness requires no public evidence, peculiar perspectives, or smiles. It shines from within, from the very human heart, barely glowing with quiet calm, peace, joy, gratitude, and confidence,” Metropolitan Epifaniy wrote on his Facebook page.

    According to the OCU head, those who fail to find happiness make a common mistake: they seek happiness beyond themselves, outside, looking for “something concrete,” something they lack for a “better life,” which, in their opinion, will give them a feeling of wholesomeness, satisfaction, and joy.

    In such cases, people usually draw wish lists and achievement memos, setting certain “conditions” and distant goals. And then come the obstacles – the “whens” and “ifs” – that delay true happiness, driving it away from you. In fact, the opposite is true: by being happy, you can easily get whatever you want.

    “Everyone from a small child to an elderly can be happy,” said Metropolitan Epifaniy. “Most often, children show us, adults, that one can ‘glow’ with happiness over seemingly simple things: a gentle smile of a mother, a father’s hug, or when squinting from a warm sun ray or petting a puppy. Happiness is within us, and people’s natural desire to feel happy was instilled in our hearts by the Creator himself.”

    The head of the OCU noted that the very word “shchastia” (“happiness” in Ukrainian) comes from the word “chastyna” (“part”), that is, living as a part of something big, all-encompassing, general, immeasurable, which doesn’t depend on time or conditions, something real and true – living with the Lord.

    “A truly happy person lives with God in their soul – an inexhaustible Source of Light, Love, Goodness, and all kinds of blessings. And this Source is so powerful that it puts everything in its place and requires no additional ‘puzzle pieces’ for happiness,” wrote Metropolitan Epifaniy.

    He also advised believers on how to find this Source of happiness in their hearts and what to do to this end.

    “Search for clues in the Holy Scriptures, in the Bible – this unique gift to mankind, which has withstood the test of time and experience. There, in the New Testament, you will find the Savior’s Sermon on the Mount, which He opens with the nine commandments of bliss: each of them begins with the word “blessed,” which from Greek word μακάριοι translates as “happy,” says the head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

    Metropolitan Epifaniy mentioned the words of Jesus Christ that it’s humility that will make you happy.

    Willing not to show pain and pretend to be happy, the Savior says, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matt. 5: 4). As for the desire to conquer – “blessed are the meek”, as for personal gain – “blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,” as for demanding punishment – “blessed are the merciful,” as for our thoughts – “blessed are the pure in heart,” and as for the desire to win – “blessed are the peacemakers…”

    “I wish you all to find true Happiness – not illusory, not “each their own” (because there’s no such thing), not temporary or transient, but real one – which is peace in our souls, but in fact – a touch of divine grace,”  concluded Metropolitan Epifaniy.

