Friday, June 21, 2024

    Relations with Moscow Patriarchate further in impasse – OCU Archbishop

    Relations between the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and the Moscow Patriarchate have reached a stalemate. The ROC in Ukraine portrays itself as an exclusive canonical church, not even considering anyone else to be a Christian.

    That’s according to OCU spokesman Archbishop Yevstratiy (Zorya) who spoke with RBC-Ukraine, according to a report entitled “The Road of Faith. How the Ukrainian church has changed in 30 years and where it is moving.”

    The OCU spokesman says, compared with 2018-2019, the church situation has improved in some respects, remained unchanged in some respects, and in some respects even worsened.

    “Relations with the Moscow Patriarchate, which has taken a completely destructive position of deaf perception of reality, have become even more deadlocked. They are deaf to all initiatives, portraying themselves as an exclusive canonical church, while no one else do they see as partners, or even Orthodox and Christians,” Yevstratiy said in his comment to RBC-Ukraine.

