Tuesday, October 22, 2024

    33rd anniversary of election of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew

    Today, October 22, 2024, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew celebrates the 33rd anniversary of his enthronment as the first hierarch of the Ecumenical throne. On this day, the Orthodox world remembers one of the important moments in the history of modern Orthodoxy, when Bartholomew I was elected Ecumenical Patriarch in 1991.

    Over the years of his service, Patriarch Bartholomew became a symbol of unity and stability for Orthodox Christians around the world. His active stance on environmental issues earned him the nickname “Green Patriarch”, and numerous initiatives for interfaith dialogue and restoration of eucharistic unity continue to influence church life on a global and historical scale.

    One of the important events of his patriarchate was the granting of autocephaly to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in 2019. The decision became historic for Ukrainian Orthodoxy and caused a sharp reaction from the Moscow Patriarchate, but it ensured for Bartholomew the status of a spiritual leader who stands in defense of the canonical order in the Church.

    Today, Patriarch Bartholomew continues to work on strengthening the ecumenical dialogue, the unity of Orthodoxy and overcoming division, in particular in Ukraine. His participation in the resolution of conflicts and confrontations that arise in church circles, which confirms his undeniable status – the first among equals.

    On this anniversary day, believers and church leaders from all over the world express their gratitude to the Ecumenical Patriarch for his tireless work and wish him health and strength to continue his mission.

    This date is not only an occasion for celebration, but also a moment for reflection on the challenges facing modern Orthodoxy and the ways to solve them under the wise leadership of Patriarch Bartholomew.

