Saturday, September 28, 2024

    Former MP Novinsky throws in “crazy money” to spread narrative of “persecution of Christians” in Ukraine, – former general

    Deputy head of the Security Service of Ukraine (2014-2015), major general (reserve) Viktor Yahun urges parliament to immediately pass a law on banning the UOC (Moscow Patriarchate).

    He spoke on the air of Espreso TV.

    “If we adopt a law that clearly regulates the activities of religious organizations affiliated with the aggressor state, the problem will be solved very quickly. The problem is that there is no legal basis. Our enemies in countries from which we seek to receive support, primarily in the USA, are reacting to this,” Yahun noted.

    According to the former general, it is difficult to imagine the scale of Novinsky lobbying efforts ant the money he injected to this end, claiming “persecution” of Christians in Ukraine.

    “Just think about it, he says ‘Christians’ in Ukraine. Without distinguishing which Christians and who persecutes them. When our Protestants arrived and spoke to Senate Speaker, clearly explaining who they were, that we were of the same faith, and who was really persecuting whom, then the puzzle was solved. But at the same time, insane amounts of money were thrown into telling how Christians are being ‘persecuted’ in Ukraine. The situation requires bypassing all these religious points and a clear legal solution to the issue. And a clear legal solution depends on parliament,” emphasized Yahun.

