Wednesday, June 26, 2024

    In Lviv, President Zelensky takes part in prayer service for Ukraine

    During a working trip to Lviv region, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine took part in the prayer event “God, save Ukraine!” 500 Days of Resistance and Struggle.”

    At the monument of Taras Shevchenko in Lviv, representatives of the clergy and heads of religious organizations voiced prayers for Ukraine, the presidential press service reports. They prayed for the victory of Ukraine and a just peace.

    Spiritual leaders, including the OCU Primate, Metropolitan Epifaniy, asked for intercession and strength for the defenders of our Homeland, blessings for the Ukrainian leaders, and salvation for all those affected by the war. They also prayed for the restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

    The “Prayer for Ukraine” hymn was performed by the chamber choir.

    The prayer event was also attended by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, Head of the Presidential Office Andriy Yermak, and Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi.

