Sunday, September 8, 2024

    Pray for your family, ask the Lord to bless them – Epifaniy on Family Day

    The modern evil empire – Russia – seeks to take everything from us, the war has directly affected every Ukrainian family: families are divided, scattered around the world, some have become forcible refugees, some have been internally displaced, some have lost their belongings, and many lost their loved ones.

    This was stated in the address by the head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epifaniy, on the occasion of International Family Day.

    We pray for long-suffering Ukrainian families, we pray for their speedy reunification, for their preservation, for the relief of the pain of loss and forced suffering for their loved ones. Help us, God, to overcome evil on our land, so that the Ukrainian people can live freely, peacefully, amicably, and calmly in their independent, democratic, European, and single country!

    The modern evil empire – Russia – seeks to take everything from us, the war has directly affected every Ukrainian family: families are divided, scattered around the world, some have become forcible refugees, some have been displaced, some have lost their belongings, and many families have lost their loved ones. The loss of loved ones is a terrible, irreparable loss, a painful wound on the heart.

    Therefore, I call on the faithful: pray for your relatives, ask the Lord to bless them, pray for their protection and God’s mercy upon them. Because now, more than ever in recent history, Ukrainians understand how valuable family is and how important it is, especially in difficult times, to have loved ones and people close in spirit in their lives. God, protect Ukrainian families!

