Friday, September 27, 2024

    Archbishop Daniel visits UOC of the USA’s parish in Seattle

    The visit of Archbishop Daniel, spiritual father of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, to the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox parish community in Seattle, WA, was a profound manifestation of faith, unity, and resilience.

    The visit was filled with moments of deep spiritual reflection, fervent prayers, and joyous fellowship, as the community gathered to draw strength from their faith and from one another, the UOC of the USA press service reports.

    Amidst the ongoing trials facing the people and nation of Ukraine, Vladyka Daniel’s presence brought a sense of hope and encouragement to the parish family. The visit began with communal prayers, where the faithful united in supplication for peace in Ukraine and for the healing of the parish’s sick and infirm. The solemnity of these moments was a testament to the power of prayer and the unbreakable bond of the Body of Christ, transcending the physical distance between Seattle and the homeland.

    In a special highlight of the visit, Very Rev. Fr. Andriy Matlak, pastor of the parish community, was honored with the ecclesiastical award of the gold cross, bestowed by Archbishop Daniel with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony. This ecclesiastical award recognized Fr. Andriy’s over eleven years of dedicated service to the parish community, guiding them with steadfast faith and love.

    On Saturday, the day of the Leave-taking of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, Vladyka Daniel brought with him a sacred relic of the Life-Giving Cross. The faithful were blessed with the opportunity to pray before this relic, venerating it with reverence and awe. In the evening, an Akathist service was held in front of the icon of the Birth-Giver of God, ‘Healer of Illness’. During the service, numerous parishioners were anointed with holy oil from the myrrh-streaming icon of the Kardiotissa, the “Softener of Hearts.” This moment of anointing was a powerful expression of God’s healing grace, comforting the faithful and strengthening their resolve.

    The following day, Sunday – September 22, 2024, brought even more joy as around 200 parishioners gathered for the Divine Liturgy with their beloved archpastor. Fr. Volodymyr Yavorkyi from the neighborhood parish of St. John the Baptist UOC in Portland, and Fr. Ivan Petrouchtchak also served during the Divine Liturgy. Children, filled with excitement, greeted Vladyka Daniel with flowers and smiles, seeking his blessing. Their innocent joy was a beautiful reminder of the purity of faith and the importance of nurturing the next generation in the ways of the Lord.

    During the Divine Liturgy, Archbishop Daniel’s sermon resonated deeply with all present. Holding a fishing rod, he illustrated the biblical call to be “fishers of men,” urging the faithful to live their lives in accordance with the Gospel. He spoke of the three dimensions of fishing: the water, representing the world around us; the fishing rod, symbolizing our daily life; and the bait, our heart and actions. His message was clear – as Christians, we are called to cast the net of God’s love and truth into the world, drawing others into the light of Christ.

    After the Liturgy, a festive luncheon was organized by the parish sisterhood in honor of the archpastor. The children performed spiritual and ethnic songs, expressing their prayers and concern for the people of Ukraine.

    As reported earlier, the UOC of the USA donated $100,000 in assistance to providing prostheses to the injured defenders of Ukraine.

