Wednesday, October 23, 2024

    ROC priest compares migrants to helminths

    The Kirov District Court of Astrakhan fined deputy Oleh Shein 2,000 rubles for the article on the mass distribution of extremist agenda (Article 20.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses) over the criticism of the ROC military priest Maksim Serpitsky on the air of the Paradigm show on Diana Tevosova’s YouTube channel.

    That’s according to Christians Against War.

    The priest compared migrant workers to helminths that must be gotten rid of:

    “They (foreign workers) do not want to live here and improve something. You see, if someone has worms in his intestines, draining his life force, they never submit to this. Specific measures must be taken here.”

    Shein compared the priest’s statement with the words of Adolf Hitler, who compared Jews to “parasites on the body of other nations.” So he wanted to draw attention to the fact that “neo-Nazis are rising in Russia.” But as a result, it was not the priest who was fined, but the deputy who drew public attention to the issue.

