Monday, September 16, 2024

    Invaders set to dismantle Ukrainian church in occupied Crimea’s Yevpatoria

    The occupation administration of the city of Yevpatoria applied to the local court for a permit to demolish a Ukrainian temple operating in town.

    This is reported by the Voice of Crimea platform.

    It is stated that the parish failed to obey a previous ruling of the occupation court on the dismantling of the building.

    The so-called representative of the municipal administration, Ye. Melyasanova, appealed to the invaders’ court with a request to grant permission for the actual dismantling of the Ukrainian church. In her appeal, she asks to recover the costs of the effort from the defendants, that is, the parish and the Office of the Crimean Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate.

    “We see the face of an authoritarian regime in Crimea, which destroys everything related to Ukrainian identity. In fact, it is an international genocide in progress in Europe. I have no more words. I would like to see clear and balanced action of resistance on the part of the state of Ukraine,” Metropolitan Klyment of Simferopol and Crimea said in a comment to the VOC.

    It should be recalled that in March 2021, the Metropolitan of Simferopol and Crimea, who represents the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, received a demand from the “Department of the Federal Service of Bailiffs for the Republic of Crimea in the city of Yevpatoria” regarding the immediate dismantling of the parish church in the city.

    The occupation authorities demanded that the demolition be carried out by March 24, 2021, but the parish never obeyed the judgment and pursued religious rites in the church.

