Monday, June 17, 2024

    Zelensky posts Easter greeting

    President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky congratulated Western-rite Christians who celebrate Easter on Sunday, March 31.

    “My greetings to Ukrainians and all Christians celebrating Easter today,” Zelensky wrote on X.

    “It is a holiday that reminds us of the power of the spirit that will not allow darkness to prevail. It will not allow the will to be overshadowed. It unites families, nations, and continents,” the president wrote, adding that “there is no night or day when Russian terror does not try to break our lives”.

    He recalled that last night, the enemy again fired missiles and Shahed drones against the Ukrainians.

    “But we defend ourselves, we endure, our spirit does not give up and knows that it is possible to avert death. Life can prevail. May all prayers for protection from evil be heard today. May faith unite all good hearts and strengthen those who defend their homes. And may true peace come closer for our entire Ukraine and all the nations that suffer from wars. Have a peaceful Easter!” the president concluded.

