Sunday, September 29, 2024

    KOTA, KNU Military Institute strike cooperation deal

    On March 1, 2024, Rector of the Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy, head of the Department of Spiritual Education and Theological Science of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Professor Archpriest Oleksandr Trofymlyuk visited the Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University at the invitation of the Head of the Institute, Brigadier General Anatoly Shevchenko.

    This was reported by the OCU website.

    The head of the leading institution of higher spiritual education was accompanied by archpriest Mykhailo Omelyan, a senior member pf the theology department, an employee of the press service of the Kyiv Metropoly of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

    The head of the institute, together with the head of the training center for military chaplains at the faculty of postgraduate education, Lieutenant colonel Oleksandr Vovkotecha, the military chaplain of the institute, Lieutenant of the chaplain service Archpriest Serhii Dmitriev, and the instructor from the training center for military chaplains, Junior Lieutenant of the chaplain service Archpriest Maksym Kravchuk, introduced the guest to the history and current state of the military institution of the higher education, educational programs implemented by the institute, material and technical base, laboratories, museum, etc.

    Special attention was focused on the Military Chaplains Training Center and deepening of cooperation between the two institutions.

    At the culmination of the meeting, the parties signed the Memorandum on cooperation between the Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy and the Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. This event became a documentary evidence of the fruitful cooperation between the signatory higher education institutions and a guarantee of the expansion of such cooperation in the future.

