Sunday, September 29, 2024

    OCU head meets with UWC delegation

    On July 17, 2023, His Beatitude Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine received the leadership of the World Congress of Ukrainians in the Metropolitan House.

    That’s according to the OCU press service.

    The President of the Ukrainian World Congress, Paul Grod, the UWC vice-president and the head of the Commission on Religious Affairs Stefan Romaniv, and the director of the UWC Representative Office Serhiy Kasianchuk visited the residence of the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

    President of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America Andriy Futey also took part in the meeting.

    During the conversation, the parties discussed further support for Ukrainian refugees abroad, the religious and inter-confessional situation, as well as state-church relations.

    The parties also discussed attracting comprehensive international aid to our country toward Ukraine’s victory in the war unleashed and waged by Russia.

    Metropolitan Epifaniy emphasized that the Ukrainian people are indomitable and will definitely win this war.

