Sunday, June 16, 2024

    “I felt freedom here” – hieromonk who switched from UOC (MP) to OCU

    Archimandrite Onufriy is happy about his asceticism in the Michael Monastery of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), which he compares with life in the monasteries of the Moscow Patriarchate. In a recent interview for the Spiritual Front of Ukraine, he emphasized the lively monastic community in the OCU and the freedom he feels when praying in the temple.

    Archimandrite Onufriy, who previously served in the UOC (MP), admires monastic life in the OCU and emphasizes its differences from the ideas prevailing in the Moscow Patriarchate.

    Archimandrite Onufriy said: “What I felt while I was here, at the divine service, alongside the rector (with the OCU, – ed.), the vicar (Archbishop Ahapit, – ed.), the brothers, and the clergy who co-serve here in the St. Michael’s Monastery – there is a kind of freedom here, if you can say so. That is, there is no such thing as tension at the altar during the priest’s divine service.”

    He notes that he was anxious when he prayed next to the head of the UOC (MP), Metropolitan Onufriy. There he could not concentrate properly on prayer because he had to think about various church “protocols”.

    “Here you have the opportunity to pray in peace… You feel more the Church, love, some kind of Christian relationship with each other,” concludes the hieromonk.

    He admits that his spiritual life has remained practically unchanged after moving to OCU, but he feels more at peace. He no longer has to think about protocols, positions, but can calmly pray and enjoy the Divine Service.

    This interview with Archimandrite Onufriy testifies that monastic life in the Orthodox Church of Ukraine is lively and peaceful. There is freedom, peace, and love. His testimony reveals the differences between the OCU and the UOC (MP), drawing attention to the inner life of the Church in Ukraine.

    It should be recalled that Archimandrite Avraamiy of the OCU visited the soldiers of the Armed Forces near the line of contact with the aggressor. Also, the head of the OCU consecrated in Brusylov the church in honor of the Resurrection of Christ.

