Sunday, June 16, 2024

    “Let faith be your firm support in battles” – OCU Primate addresses soldiers

    “Dear brothers and sisters, our defenders! I heartily congratulate you on today’s special holidays. I sincerely thank everyone for bringing our victory closer and I wish you mental and physical strength: may faith be your firm support in the battles, and let the Most Holy Theotokos protect you from all evil,” the greeting address reads.

    Epifaniy thanked everyone for bringing the victory closer.

    Below is the full text of the address:

    “Dear brothers and sisters, our defenders!

    We have a special holiday of the Intercession of the Mother of God this year. Not only because of the conditions in which we celebrate it, but also because of the exceptional need of our people for God’s help – to defend ourselves, to protect from the fierce enemy what God has given us – our native land, our native home, our family.

    It is symbolic that on the Intercession we also celebrate the Day of Defenders of Ukraine – those glorious sons and daughters who, with their sacrificial service, seem to envelop all of us, protecting us from the enemy.

    Standing up for the protection of others, risking one’s own life, is first and foremost a manifestation of powerful spirit. This strength of soldiers – defenders of Ukraine – inspires our people to do everything possible for a faster righteous victory.

    Seeing the examples of sacrifice, courage, dedication, and bravery of Ukraine’s defenders, one cannot help but notice a striking similarity with the feat of the prophet David. Thanks to his sincere faith in God, he fearlessly stood up for the truth and defeated the great and brazen Goliath. I am convinced that just as the great Goliath fell back then, so now with God’s help we will see the fall of the Kremlin evil empire and its hideous armed horde.

    Our dear defenders, on this festive day I sincerely thank you for bringing our victory closer and I wish you mental and physical strength: may faith be your firm support in the battles, and let the Most Holy Theotokos protect you from all evil.

    I invoke the Lord’s blessing on all defenders of Ukraine, on all our people! God the Great, the One, save Ukraine for us!”

